A Different Approach to O2 Control

A Different Approach to O2 Control

When it was first introduced the Discovery MK VI Rebreather by Poseidon was referred to as a radical and unique design and caught a lot of people's attention. When Cis-Lunar launched it´s MK 5 Rebreather back in 1998 it became an instant sensation in the diving community. Is there a parallel to be drawn here on how innovative designs that once thought to be too radical for the industry, are now leading it?

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Adding a Little Sanity to Diving

Adding a Little Sanity to Diving

Despite how long mixed gases and specifically 'normoxic trimix' has been around, many divers still do not take advantage of the benefits notwithstanding the increasing costs of helium. This article breaks down what trimix is all about and if it is right for you. It also explains what ‘normoxic’ trimix is and why it is becoming increasingly more popular at the recreational level.

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